I’ll be at the Appomattox Regional Governor’s School, a truly wonderful place I’ve blogged about before. Monday, I’ll be workshopping with some students, then meeting with a beginning creative writing class to explain lying for a living. On Tuesday I meet with a novel writing class, a Brit lit class (who just happen to be studying a favorite genre, medieval romance) then I’ve got a short story writing class where I’ll talk about something interesting I’m sure, probably revision. That’s what I’ve been doing lately when I haven’t been watching Tina Fey lampoon Palin. Maybe Fey could be Obama’s press secretary. That would be all Mavericky, wouldn’t it?
Next weekend is Capclave in DC (October 17-19). I’ll be doing a reading on Saturday at 3 pm, a panel on ending stories Saturday at 5 pm, and a panel on politics and economics of the future Sunday at 1 pm. James Morrow, author of Only Begotten Daughter and Towing Jehovah, as well as other fine blaspheming satires, will be the GOH. Michael Dirda, critic extraordinaire will also be there. It’s a small, reader-friendly con. It’s at the Hilton at the Twinbrook Metro Station, so if you’re anywhere in the DC area, stop by.