I just finished participating in the Appomattox Regional Governor’s School annual festival. It has become one of my favorite events of the year. The faculty are great. The students are absolutely incredible—smart, funny, talented, charming. The next time someone tells you how screwed-up today’s youth are, stop by this place. Thank you guys for having me!
And while it has nothing to do with ARGS, my fiction led me into the subject of trapeze this morning, and this picture made me smile:
Hey, Mr. Danvers!
I saw you last year at the ARGS W.FEST. I finally got to read THE WATCH. I loved it. I wish I could have told you in person (and got you to sign Circut of Heaven *grumble grumble*) but a family situation came up and I had to leave ARGS fest early. TT_TT
I was pleased (very pleased) to hear that you did the FLASH FICTION SLAM. ^_^ I did it last year and helped create the rules. Was it good?
Well, keep at that writing thing maaan! You’re good!!! (besides, some of us need reading material!!!)
Thanks. Glad you liked The Watch. Cindy Cunningham actually ended up running the slam, and I was one of the judges. It was fun, relaxed, not hyper-competitive. The student work I heard all weekend rocked.